For companies

On a daily basis, large flows of information are transmitted to and from the Communication departments of large corporations and companies alike. The same goes for the PR agencies that service their needs. This information flow may include content for routine press releases, business operations, acquisitions, sensitive information, posts for social networks, etc.

Whether it is a medium sized company or a giant corporation, the risks and concerns are the same - they and their top managers alike are vulnerable and can become targeted by a range of malicious information activities, and it is these 'information attacks' which can leave individuals and entire corporations devastated, if not properly guarded against

Large-scale information attacks can lead to a slew of devastating consequential damages for the company, namely: significant reputational damages; degradation of the goodwill value of a company’s name in the public sphere; a collapse in company stock prices; a drop in capitalization; loss of customers and investor interest; disruption of major transactions, and many other detrimental damages to a business.

It is also worth emphasizing that information attacks, especially large-scale ones, tend to hit a company in successive waves and is likely to have an extremely negative impact on employees, specifically their sense of security and, ultimately, their morale which has been consistently observed to decrease efficiency and disrupt task focus.

It should be taken into account that not every company has human-focused information security specialists with the appropriate experience who could prepare the management and relevant employees of the company for such an antagonistic attack. In the modern corporate landscape, specialists in these matters are crucial as the 'unthinkable' is becoming a more commonplace reality for too many. These are specialists who would be able to promptly identify the warning signs of an information attack within a huge and incessant flow of information.

Therefore, a proactive approach is highly advisable; training and education of specialists from companies that are vulnerable to malicious information attacks is of utmost importance.

Generally, our specialists offer training tailored to specific risks that a particular company faces or may face in the future. We at Tarand offer a service that identifies and assesses a catered scope and method for addressing the security concerns of each company that we engage with.

For more information, you can contact us using the contact details provided HERE.